Theatrical Work
I am a dramatic and comedic actor with a strong basis in physical performance. Since 2015, my professional work has run the gambit from Chekhov to bouffon to musicals to sitcom-inspired full-length plays about bar-frequenting animals in the Cascade Mountains. Below are a few of my favorite projects! For an entire list of previous work, please see my resume.
DEERS (Annex Theatre)
Written by: Marcus Gorman
Directed by: Tootsie Spangles and Quiqui Dominguez
Dangerpants Photography
"Jordan Moeller, as an Emu, who wanders into the bar from Australia, put in an outstanding performance, with an authentic accent, which was still understandable and made his lines come alive. He also added a lot of Emu-like physicality to his character which was highly amusing." - Marie Bonfils,
"That is the best play I've ever seen!" - Drunk Man Leaving Theater
The Earth Shakes (HERON Ensemble)
Written by: Samantha J. Cooper
Directed by: Linnea Ingalls
Photos by: Jacob Bevalacqua Haggard
"Still dreaming about THE EARTH SHAKES. You could call it a modern re-imagining of Antony and Cleopatra, but that would be too easy. The thing about HERON is they are an ensemble in the best sense of the word. Their work is flawless. The list of people I say this about is very short, and I don't say it unless I mean it." - Kairu Yao
Scary Mary and the Nightmares Nine (Annex Theatre)
Written by: Amy Escobar
Directed by: Eddie Dehais
*Nominated for 'Best Ensemble', Gregory Awards 2017
"Moeller had a risky and super-fun dance number that he owned the whole way through. Throughout the play he is super-engaging to watch without stealing focus." - Gregory Awards Nominator
"Dirge was good - but as Jon-Jon Moeller was indelible." - Gregory Awards Nominator
"Why does Moeller lead the ensemble in a tightly choreographed aerobic dance number? Well, why not?" - Dusty Somers, Seattle Times